Political and Funny Graffiti in Granada

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Just a collection of my personal photos of the best political graffiti and street art that I have seen around Granada in the last year.

Some of it pretty excellent street art, and for once I have post about graffiti where to the best of my knowledge there is nothing by el Niño de las Pinturas.

Granada political graffiti


Stencil graffiti granada

Graffiti and politics in granada

Get on your bike in Granada

Get on your bike in Granada

political graffiti granada

Used to be just opposite Granada 10

funny graffiti in granada

one of my favourite graffiti in Granada

Granada stencil street art

funny graffiti in Granada

funny graffiti in Granada

Some of which I would agree with, other maybe not so much. One thing is for sure, the stencils certainly add a touch of class to the street art in granada.

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Lots more stories, photos, and insider tips with everything you need to know about Granada.




About Granada Insider

Digital Strategist. Check out http://digitalchief.ie/ to find out more about me and what I do. View all posts by Granada Insider

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